TD Wealth Management Case Study
TD Wealth Management held an annual training session to provide economic updates, inspire top performers and encourage information sharing and networking.
Adam delivered a keynote on values and why they are important to sustain performance. Attendees appreciated hearing about Adam's Happy Failures and Sad Successes, and many took advantage of his values discovery workbook.
Attendees loved Kreek's interactive experience and left feeling motivated, inspired and energized.
TD's head coach reached out to Kreek after this event to explore how Adam could coach top talent at TD.
Absolutely Wonderful!
It was absolutely wonderful – he is so engaging and gets right into the crowd and involves them. You didn’t know what he was going to do next – start singing, climb a table, get the entire group up and rowing! Our Leadership team was really impressed! Adam invited the audience into his personal life… the images/video in his presentation really hit home for people!! Visualizing his dedication & commitment, triumphs & success, his failures and his loving family made it so much more real and relevant. And the quotes from philosophers and individuals of influence inspired the audience.
- Event Manager, TD Wealth Management